Aluminium Windows Epsom

Bespoke Windows with Astral

Aluminium windows are a step up in performance for your Sutton home. At Astral Direct, we fit aluminium frames across our range. This advanced material offers brilliant strength and security. That way, you’ll make your Sutton home a safer place to live.

As well as improving your home’s privacy, aluminium can also create real savings for your home. With brilliant insulation and smart double glazing, you can save even more money on your energy bills.

At Astral Direct, we only provide our customers in Sutton with high-quality aluminium windows. We work with SMART Systems, the market leader in the material. They provide aluminium that’s secure, durable and also energy efficient.

We’re also proud members of the Sternfenster network, making us an installer you can trust. Also, Astral has over 30 years of experience improving homes across Sutton, ensuring you make a worthwhile investment.

Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Installing aluminium windows gives your Sutton home the performance it deserves. Aluminium is stronger than uPVC while also being lighter, making it more flexible. This versatility means it can improve your home in many aspects.

For a start, aluminium has a sleeker design than uPVC. It offers a glowing, metallic sheen that improves your home’s brightness, and makes it stand out as well. Additionally, you can fit aluminium in many different colours that won’t fade over time.

That’s because your aluminium windows will improve your Sutton home for years to come. Your windows could continue for up to 45 years with little-to-no maintenance. SMART also offers a guarantee on their frames to ensure top performance.

Aluminium can also protect your home from wind and rain. The material is fully weatherproof, and also won’t have any gaps that let draughts enter your home. Because of this, your windows won’t warp or twist under excess water.

Above all, however, aluminium windows can make you feel more comfortable inside your Sutton home. Aluminium works with advanced double glazing to insulate your living space. That way, you can stay warmer throughout the year, and save money on your energy bills.


Aluminium Window Styles

Casement Windows

Casement windows are the most popular option for homes across Sutton. With slim aluminium frames, you can let beautiful natural light into your living space without sacrificing on security. Our glass panels feature multi-point locking systems to make them difficult for anybody to break.

As well as that, you can select flush casement windows to make the frame and the glass level. That way, you’ll make your home even safer. With Astral, you’ll also work with a company which is committed to keeping your space secure.

Sliding Sash Windows

Sliding sash windows pair elegant design with reliable performance. They open upward to let fresh air fill your home. Also, they leave a wide open space to allow for beautiful views as well. With an aluminium frame, you’ll also have a durable window that can withstand any weather.

By fitting aluminium to your sliding sash window, you’ll be ensuring your home needs less energy. With better light and warmth, you won’t need to use your central heating, and you can even use your lighting less. That way, your windows will put money back in your pocket from day one.

Tilt & Turn Windows

For innovative and flexible aluminium windows, a tilt and turn window is an ideal choice for your Sutton home. These windows can open inward, outward and even vertically. That way, you can fit them into tighter spaces and freshen up even the smallest rooms in your home.

With an aluminium tilt and turn window, you’ll be making a secure investment. Not only are our aluminium windows incredibly durable, but tilt and turn windows can open inward to improve your Sutton home’s security.

Bow & Bay Windows

Bow and bay windows are a traditional design that you can enhance massively with modern aluminium. With a vaulted design, these aluminium windows extend your Sutton home’s wall outward to open your living space to better natural light.

While the past may inspire their design, aluminium bow and bay windows can perform to the standards of the present. With advanced double glazing technology and sturdy aluminium, your windows can reduce your energy usage and your Sutton home’s carbon footprint.


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Double Glazing Prices Epsom

Our double glazing vary in cost due to the vast range we offer. Each piece is made bespoke to you, suiting your style of property. We measure and fit everything efficiently as not to hinder your schedule. We want to make the process easy and reliable, so you’re happy with your double glazing. For the best quality materials and designs on the market today, choose Astral.

To see what we can do to improve your home, using our free online quoting tool today. You can select any of our products along with your specifications and style. Then we will give you an instant price to suit your budget.

If you have any queries about your double glazing project, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our online contact page. We’re happy to answer any questions you have! Speak to one of our team directly by calling 020 8683 1234. We’ll do our best to answer your questions!

Astral Glazing Solutions are also a proud supplier to the trade.

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